Are complications of pregnancy covered on GeoBlue Voyager Essential? For someone already 30 weeks pregnant?
On both plans, even on the Voyager Essential plan, we’ll cover complications of pregnancy as any other medical condition. This would not be excluded as pre-ex.
What if I am hospitalized overseas for a period of time that exceeds the termination date of my policy?
Your medical treatment benefits will continue until the earlier of the date the confinement ends or 31 days after the insurance terminates. Thus, You will be covered while you are in a hospital or need medical evacuation while outside the U.S. for as long as you are confined up to 31 days after your policy ends.
Will my medical treatment benefits continue after I am back in the USA?
No. Once you are back in the USA there is no coverage on the Excursion travel medical plans.
On the Excursion plan, can any current medical Rx and/or medical condition that is ongoing (also called maintenance medical care and maintenance Rx) be covered on this plan?
No. Any coverage for maintenance medical care and maintenance Rx is not covered.
- Maintenance medical care also includes medications prescribed for chronic and/or long-term medical conditions or Rx taken on an ongoing basis.
- Any drugs, medications, or other substances except as specifically stated in this Plan are excluded. This includes, but is not limited to, items dispensed by a Physician.
- Rx Examples: birth control, heartburn/acid reflux medication or anti-depressants.
- Medical maintenance examples: Needing blood transfusions on a continual basis for diabetes. Any ongoing medical condition or past medical condition that needs to be monitored and/or checked on a regular basis.
I am over 36 weeks of gestation with my pregnancy, can you cover me for complications of pregnancy?
- If you have a U.S. health insurance plan while you are overseas and need coverage for complications (complications means life of baby or mother is in danger of being lost – this is all based on what the doctor states) of pregnancy then the Voyager Choice works best for you.
- Please keep in mind that any other complications of pregnancy are not covered and this does not include any birthing or anything related to maternity coverage. The only time Voyager Choice will cover your pregnancy is if your baby and/or the life of you (the mom) is in danger of passing on and that is all based on the doctors statements.
- There is no time limit. Thus, this benefit will cover up to the time you deliver (but not the delivery) if there is a complication (see right above) of your pregnancy.
If I need medical care while overseas, can I choose any doctor or hospital or am I restricted to certain ones?
The GeoBlue Voyager plan does not prevent the member from choosing the hospital and physician of their choice.
What will the GeoBlue Voyager plan cover the cost of my airfare if my trip is interrupted by an unexpected event?
Yes, this plan will compensate you for the cost of airfare for you and your travel companion up to the maximum shown on the benefit schedule if your trip is interrupted due to certain events. Examples of covered events include pandemic warning, terrorist event, or if you are injured or assaulted.
Does the GeoBlue Voyager plan offer an emergency medical transportation benefit?
Yes, if you suffer a life or limb threatening condition and adequate medical facilities are not available locally, emergency medical transportation will be arranged by the insurance company.
Will this plan pay for a family member’s airfare if I have a lengthy hospital stay?
Yes, if you are confined to a hospital for more than 7 days while traveling outside the U.S., the GeoBlue Voyager plan will pay up to $2,500 for airfare for a family member to fly to the location of the hospital.
What are the deductible options available in this plan?
You can choose no deductible or deductible amounts of $100, $250 or $500. The deductible is waived for medical services provided by the GeoBlue International Healthcare Community of Providers.
Would this plan cover me if I planned a trip that would span a few months?
The GeoBlue Voyager plan covers trips that span up to 180 days.