Is traveling to Canada from the U.S. for the Vancouver Winter Olympics considered an international trip?
Your U.S. domestic health insurance plan – whether it is individual, group, Medicare or Medicaid – will not cover you in Vancouver for medical evacuation. They may cover doctor and hospital visits, but they won’t cover you for medical transportation and evacuation, which are the most expensive coverages.
It does seem unfair. After all, Canadians look like us, they eat like us, and they talk like us (except you can always spot a Canadian by how they pronounce “again” and “out.” Listen for it when you are at the Olympics.)
You might wonder, “What’s gonna happen to me in Canada?” What are the odds of getting hit by a runaway bobsled, getting frozen to my seat watching Ice Hockey, or eating a bad hotdog at the opening ceremonies? Probably slim or not at all.
But … there are 101 ways you can get hurt or sick at the Vancouver Olympics. It’s nice to know for as little as $1-$2 a day you can get top-notch international travel insurance plan by calling Good Neighbor Insurance agents. Doug Gulleson loves to scuba dive overseas. He makes sure he always takes his credit card AND international travel insurance. Visit Good Neighbor Insurance at for your next overseas trip and get a FREE quote.