Download the FREE GUIDE: How to Choose the Right International Employer Group Health Insurance
Looking to learn more about how to select your perfect international employer group plan?
You’re in the right place! We’ve put together a complete guide featuring how to select the right international employer group insurance policy for your group. Simply fill out the form below to get your FREE GUIDE emailed directly to you!
Why use the FREE GUIDE?
Choosing international employer group insurance can be confusing, and expensive. Whether you’ve purchased group insurance before, or you’re just starting, it’s important to have the best information so you can choose the right plan and benefits to fit your team.
Find out if you know the best ways to shop for and choose international health insurance for your organization. Are you saving the most money? Is your current group insurance “off-the-rack,” or customized to fit your needs? Are you paying for benefits no one uses (or only 1-2% of your staff use) every year? We wrote this free guide on group insurance to help groups looking to save on their overseas health benefits. It was written for groups that may have little prior knowledge of group health insurance, and should be accessible to all. At the same time, we include tips learned from other HR and Benefits Administrators that make the guide invaluable no matter how long someone has been administering group benefits.
Don’t wait until you’re knee deep in confusing quote forms and overwhelmed with choices, download the FREE GUIDE: How to Choose the Right International Employer Group Insurance now!
Featuring Real Comparisons – And Real, Honest, Advice.
How to evaluate claims, how to compare brokers and carriers, and even how to decide if medical shared plans are for you. Even the latest information on liability and whether your organization is exposed to lawsuits based on what you are, or are not, providing to your employees and 1099 workers. There are keys to knowing if you have a good plan or not and we teach them to you, free.
We guarantee that you will save money by following this advice, or by calling Good Neighbor and letting us advise you on your plan design or by looking for ways to save on your current plan.
Here’s Another Simple Way We Save You Time And Money Upfront:
Good Neighbor has created one easy, universal form that takes less than 5 minutes to fill out online!
We then go to work on a free competitive analysis on which traditional carriers might be best, and not only send you a quote, but actually send you a detailed analysis of additional ways you could save. This allows an organization like yours, to easily compare exact benefits and costs from one plan to another. It also gives us specific starting points to discuss ways we can further trim those quotes and customize your plan for maximum effect.
“Yes, this type of analysis takes specific tools and expertise on our end, as well as great working relationships with the carriers’ underwriters. Good Neighbor Insurance excels at providing this service for each of our group clients.”
On The Benefit Of Using A “Comprehensive” Insurance Broker:
“When you use a comprehensive insurance broker, you not only have access to more plans and carriers, but you gain negotiating power as well as the ability to bundle different, overlapping coverages needed in various places you may have workers. Mulit-trip plans for those frequent travelers, Kidnap and Ransom as needed, overseas AD&D, and much more all at same number, with the same person. If some of your staff need only Emergency Evacuation, you don’t need to call around trying to find someone to help you with that request.”
We have more on this subject is in the guide- download your FREE copy today!
Why Dealing Direct With A Carrier May Be One Of The Biggest Mistakes You Could Make:
“Having a broker, if they are good, will cost the same as going direct because they are usually paid out of the insurance company’s internal commission. Since a broker doesn’t “cost you” anything and offers many additional layers of service and advocacy, a good broker can be the most valuable, free expert consultant you can have on your team, saving you tens of thousands of dollars….A good broker also knows which carriers are a joy to work with and which are constantly getting complimented on their speed responding to customer’s questions and claims.” (from the Report)
The articles in this helpful guide INCLUDE:
- Looking Beyond Premium
- Explaining, Encouraging, Enforcing Full Participation
- “Why are we getting this increase?”
- Advanced Tips and Techniques to Lowering your Insurance Renewal
- What about Older Groups? Aging Groups?
- Social Good organizations and Start-ups
- The High Cost of Pharmaceuticals and What You Can Do
- Renewal is the Time To Negotiate (if handled properly)
- An offer for our free accompanying workbook! – Does It Matter? (Including specific examples and results of using this information)
This guide will help you negotiate, as well as understand what is negotiable. It will help you know when a rate increase is justified or unjustifiable, and know when an increase is solely based on trend or items you can control. Whatever the case, we help you control costs, understand how to create a truly sustainable plan (without switching), and how to look beyond price when comparing quotes/options.