Frequently asked questions and answers on the GNI Custom Outreach Group Travel Short Term Team Insurance medical benefits
Question: What happens if someone gets sick on the airplane on their trip back to the U.S. and need medical attention once they arrive at a U.S. airport? This happened to one of our co-worker’s niece and the travel insurance company they used would not cover the expenses of the ambulance from the airport to the hospital and the hospital bills.
Answer: I checked with claims and they advised that this actually comes up quite frequently. They said they have even seen people receive treatment in the airport once they land. Coverage would still be subject to the provisions and conditions of the policy but it should be a covered expense.
Question: Or others that return to America and then discover they contracted malaria while on their overseas trip?
Answer: In the case of Malaria or other illnesses that take time to incubate before symptoms come up, those are always covered.