Your IMG Global Health Insurance Information
Table of Contents
1. Your Member Portal
2. Pre-Certification
3. Claims
4.Understanding Your GMI Expat Global Insurance Benefits
5. Understanding your Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
6. Using your Global (Outside the U.S.) Medical Network
7. Using your U.S. Medical Network
8. Emergency Medical and Security Evacuation
9. Preventative Benefits
10. Maternity, Newborns and other insurance benefits
Welcome To Your IMG Expat Global Health Insurance Plan
Your IMG Expat plan is a health plan that covers you around the world. This international plan comes with incredible benefits including emergency evacuation, telehealth coverage, a vast international network, and self-service through the exclusive member portal.
On this page you will find information about your member portal, benefits, claims, your GNI team, and much more. This knowledge base was developed specifically to help you navigate your insurance and make the most of your benefits.
Please do not forget to bookmark this page so you can easily reference the answers to all of your future IMG expat insurance policy questions.
GNI Contact Information
Your Group Insurance Advisors: Tracy, Gaby, and Doug
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480-813-9100 |
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[email protected] |
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690 E Warner Rd Ste. 117 Gilbert, AZ 85296 |
Quick Links

Understanding Your Member Portal
Your IMG Member Portal
Taking advantage of your IMG Expat Global health insurance has never been easier! With quick online and mobile access through your MyIMG account, you can submit claims, get pre-certified, talk to doctors, request payments and much more.
The first step is to set up your IMG account by going to https://imglobal.com/member/login. Using your MyIMG account will save you time. You can access insurance documents, including your ID cards and contact IMG as you need. You can Pre-certify hospitalization, file and view claim status, obtain copies of certificates, find hospitals and doctors where ever you are. You can also contact IMG via this page.
All new enrollees need to do is:
- Go to https://imglobal.com/member/login
- Under “NEW TO IMG?”, click on “CREATE AN ACCOUNT”
- Enter your certificate number and Date of Birth (primary member)
- Create your account
GNI Team Q & A
Question: Do I need to carry my ID card with me at all times?
Answer: We recommend that you carry it with you at all times. Your ID card contains important information including contact information for IMG if a medical emergency arises. Replacements can be downloaded from your MyIMG account, should they get lost or stolen. You can also keep a copy of the PDF on your phone.
Question: What are the ways to contact IMG?
Answer: Here are the different ways to contact IMG.
- Phone number: 1-317-655-4500 in the US only, or toll free at 1-800-628-4664
- After business hours you may have to leave a message for call back. If an emergency is not indicated, the call back will happen on the next business day.
- Assistance Services: Phone: 1-317-927-6808 (For Medical or Security Evacuation.)
Claims email: [email protected]
Customer service email: [email protected]
Pre-certification email: [email protected]
GNI Team Tidbits
General Mailing Address: International Medical Group, Inc. 2960 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46208 USA.
Claims Address: International Medical Group, Inc. Claims, P.O. Box 9162, Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9162 USA
Ask Doug
Key Notes
Question: What is MyIMG?
Answer: Your MyIMG is where you may submit and manage your claims, update your contact information, access your ID card, find medical facilities in the U.S. and abroad, initiate pre-certification, learn about your international insurance policy benefits, obtain medical insurance documents, and more.
Question: Do I have to create an account on MyIMG?
Answer: It is not necessary, but it is highly recommended to create your MyIMG account. Your MyIMG is the most convenient way to submit and manage your claims, update your contact information, access your ID card and insurance documents, contact IMG, and more. To create your MyIMG account here, please click here – https://imglobal.com/member/registration.

Understanding Pre-Certification
Your Pre-Certification Information
Pre-certification is required for certain medical treatments, and always for hospitalization. Failure to pre-certify, may result in a 50% reduction of reimbursement of eligible medical expenses. Some expenses, such as organ transplant will not be reimbursed without pre-certification.
Pre-certification is not a guarantee of payment.
U.S. In-network providers will pre-certify for you.
For outside the U.S. or Out-of-Network providers in the U.S., you are responsible for ensuring the precertification process is completed at least five days before a planned hospitalization, or within 48 hours of admission due to an accident or emergency illness.
You can pre-certify online at: https://imglobal.com/member/precertification
Services requiring precertification are: (1) Inpatient Hospitalization (2) Maternity (3) Chemotherapy (4) Extended Care Facility, Home Nursing Care, Hospice Care (5) Interfacility Ambulance Transfer (5) Radiation Therapy (6) Surgery or Surgical procedure (7) Transplant (8) High-Risk Pregnancy or Multiples Birth
GNI Team Q & A
Question: What happens if I need to seek medical treatment on the weekend or late at night and IMG’s office is closed?
Answer: If you have a medical emergency, seek appropriate medical care. If you need assistance, please call the IMG phone number on the back of your ID card. IMG has medical professionals on call 24/7 to assist you in the case of a medical emergency. You may have to leave a message including a phone number where you are available. Someone should call you back in a few hours at the latest.
If you need to pre-certify outpatient services you may use the online precertification form. https://imglobal.com/member/precertification If you are being admitted to a hospital, you may notify IMG either by submitting an online precertification form or by calling the phone number on the back of your ID card. If it is not an emergency, someone from IMG will call you on the next business day.
Question – What must I do before a hospital admission or surgery?
Answer – Pre-certification is required for hospital admissions, hospital deliveries, and all surgeries. Prior to receiving treatment, you or a medical provider need to contact IMG to Pre-certify your treatment. If it is an emergency, pre-certification can be completed 48 hours after admission. This can be done online at: https://imglobal.com/member/precertification
GNI Team Tidbits
Medical treatments which are not considered “medically necessary” will not be covered.
The treatment proposed must adhere to the standards of care generally recognized as being appropriate to the injury or condition being treated.
Some treatments, even though they may be medically necessary, might not be covered because of policy exclusions.
GNI Team Final Thoughts
Precertification may be initiated by you, your representative, or your medical provider online at: https://imglobal.com/member/precertification. Medical professionals at IMG review the planned medical services to ensure that it follows accepted medical standards and are medically necessary.
Call IMG’s Customer Care at 1-800-628-4664 (in the U.S.) or 1-317-655-4500 (outside the U.S.; Collect if necessary) and to speak with a representative (dial 9 after 6 p.m. EST for after-hours care) or initiate precertification at www.imglobal.com/member.
Ask Doug
Key Notes
Pre-certification is the process for determining whether the services delivered or scheduled to be delivered to a patient are medically necessary and appropriate. This process will allow IMG to assist in managing your health care costs.
Pre-certification may be initiated by you, your representative or your medical provider. This can be done through MyIMG or calling IMG at 1.800.628.4664 (within the U.S.) or 1.317.655.4500.
Most U.S. hospitals and physicians are familiar with the precertification process and will make the phone call for you, though they are not required to do this. You are responsible for ensuring the precertification process is done five days before you are hospitalized or within 48 hours of an accident or emergency illness.

Understanding Claims
Understanding Claims
To submit a claim, log into your MyIMG account and click on “submit new claim”. Be ready to upload your itemized receipts and invoices. You can also e-mail a completed claim form along with required documents (medical records, invoices, etc.) to [email protected]. You can download IMG’s Claim Form here: https://imglobal.com/claims-center.
Multiple claims can be submitted on the same claim form if they are for the same incident. For example, if you have a broken arm and there are claims for x-rays, physical therapy, and follow–up visits they can all be submitted on one claim form. If treatment won’t be completed within 180 days, please submit initial claims when they occur. Then subsequent claims may be submitted later.
Once the claim is approved, the claim is sent to accounting which issues payment whether by check, ACH or wire transfer. Wire transfers can take up to 7 – 10 business days to be seen in your account, depending on the bank. When checks are requested, please allow the normal mailing time to your location. Mailing checks overseas is not recommended. If not received within a week of that, let us know, so we can have IMG arrange to cancel the check and issue a new one.
GNI Team Q & A
Question: What kind of missing information may cause a claim to be delayed?
IMG requires that receipts/invoices be itemized. It should include the name of the patient, date of service and a breakdown of all the related charges.
If you are filing for reimbursement, the invoice should indicate that payment was received by the provider.
Question: Am I required to complete an IMG Claim Form every time I go to the doctor?
Answer: The Claims department encourages all insureds to complete a Claim Form for each new onset of an illness or injury for care received outside the U.S. (in the U.S. you may need to send in a claim form if you are using out-of-network providers and / or you paid for your medical visit like an urgent care. However, in the U.S., your medical provider should be sending in claim forms to IMG)
All claims should be submitted within 180 days of occurrence. (Late submissions could result in the claim being denied.)
If you fail to submit a Claim Form (online or paper) or additional information is requested, you will see in your MyIMG account, that the Explanation of Benefits shows that the claim has been denied. There will be a CODE give (?) that will explain what is missing and why the claim was denied. This will, of course, result in delay of reimbursement for eligible medical expenses.
Question – Should I submit my original itemized bills and receipts as soon as I receive them?
Answer – Yes! Do not hold them until the end of the year. IMG will apply eligible medical expenses to your deductible and coinsurance throughout the year.
GNI Team Tidbits
As your claim is being processed, it may disappear from your MyIMG account for a few hours to a couple of days, when it changes from being “Submitted” to being “Processed.” When it reappears, it will have a different reference number. Usually, claims will process within 30 business days or about 6 weeks (holidays and week-ends don’t count) from the time of receipt. In the fall and at the end of the year, it can take longer, due to the high volume of claims received at those times of the year.
Once the claim has processed, there will be an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) available to view in your MyIMG account.
GNI Team Final Thought
Claims should be submitted within 180 days of the service date / date on the invoice. Claims submitted later may be denied.

Ask Doug
Key Notes
We always recommend that you take time to practice the following steps in the claim process:
- Prior to seeking medical treatment, review what services and procedures require Pre-certification so your benefits will not be reduced
- Present your IMG ID card to all medical providers at the time of treatment (they may be able to bill IMG directly)
- Submit Claims with receipts, once services have been rendered.

Understanding Your GMI Expat Global Insurance Benefits
Understanding Your GMI Expat Global Insurance Benefits
The most effective way to save money is to take care of medical needs abroad, as much as possible. You may have a lower deductible and certainly no co-insurance when accessing medical care outside the U.S. This means lower out-of-pockets expenses for yourself. By searching the IPA (International Provider Access) on IMG’s website, you can find direct–billing providers abroad.
GNI Team Q & A
Question – What is the best way for me to find more information about my expat global health insurance policy with IMG?
Answer – The best way is to go to your MyIMG web page at https://imglobal.com/member/login. By going to the IMG website and registering for a MyIMG account, you save time by being able to access insurance documents and to contact IMG whenever you need. You can access and print ID Cards and forms, Pre-certify, file and view claim status, obtain copies of certificates, find a hospital or doctor, and contact IMG.
Question – How does coinsurance work with IMG?
Answer – Coinsurance percentage (amount that IMG pays after you’ve met the deductible) depends on where care is received. For care outside the U.S., IMG pays 100% after the deductible. For care in the U.S. using the network (United HealthCare), IMG pays 80% of eligible medical expenses after the deductible. For care in the U.S. that is out-of-network, it is paid at 80% after the deductible is met. For non-emergency procedures in the U.S., use of the medical concierge service increases coinsurance to 100%.
GNI Team Tidbits
Question: How can I access my IMG expat global health insurance policy documents on MyIMG?
Answer: Please log in to your MyIMG portal, https://imglobal.com/member/login, and click “Documents.” On the next screen, you can download a PDF of plan documents (ID cards, declaration page, certificate wordings, etc.) for all insured persons on your plan. For more detailed instructions, view the full MyIMG Guide.
Question: What if I need a replacement card because my original was lost, stolen, or damaged?
Answer: There are several ways to obtain a duplicate ID card. The Client Resources page features an ID card link as a menu item on the right side of the page. Simply click the link and follow the instructions. IMG’s quick links also features a link to print a duplicate card. Additionally, if you have a MyIMG account, once you are logged in you have the ability to print another card.
GNI Team Final Thought
Ways to save? The most effective way to save money is to take care of medical needs abroad, as much as possible. You may have a lower deductible and certainly no co-insurance when accessing medical care outside the U.S. This means lower out-of-pockets expenses for yourself. By searching the IPA on IMG’s website, you can find direct–billing providers abroad.
Ask Doug

Understanding Your Explanation of Benefits
Your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) explained
The EOB is a summary of how your claim was processed. Once your claim is processed, there will be an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) available to view on your account. This form will tell you what has been paid for by IMG, and – just as important – if anything is not being paid for, and why. If you have questions about the EOB, you can contact us here at Good Neighbor for help figuring it out.
GNI Team Q & A
Question – When should I submit a claim?
Answer – Claims must be submitted to IMG within 180 days (preferably 90 days) from the date of service.
Question – What is required to accurately complete a Claim Form?
Answer – It’s important to submit the fully completed Claim Form along with itemized bills, statements and invoices for services and supplies you have received.
Question – What typically delays a Claim from being paid?
Answer – The most common problems are missing information such as:
- Incomplete Claim Form
- Missing itemized receipts
- If related to a pre-existing condition, a prior Certificate of Credible Coverage may be required.
GNI Team Tidbits
Question – Will IMG pay directly to providers?
Answer – In many cases IMG works directly with the hospital or clinic, including those outside the USA PPO network, to make direct payment of eligible medical expenses on your behalf. To be eligible to have a claim paid in this manner, you or the provider must complete a Claim Form and submit it with copies of your itemized bills. If approved, payment will be made directly to the provider, leaving you responsible only for the payment of your deductible, applicable coinsurance amounts and any non-eligible expenses and charges.
Question – What happens if the Provider bills me before IMG pays the bill?
Answer – Many providers send copies of bills to the insurance company as well as to the patient. If you receive a bill after receiving treatment from a Provider, please contact IMG’s Customer Care department. The provider most likely sent the bill to IMG and the bill will be paid soon if it is a covered expense. Help avoid duplicate payments by allowing IMG to make payments to Providers on your behalf.
GNI Team Final Thought
Question – What should I do, if I think IMG has made a mistake on my claim?
Answer – Please contact us at [email protected] with the details of the claim, date of service, provider name, the family member involved and your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and we will go to work for you.
Sometimes information is missing; sometimes, the provider has entered the wrong medical code. Sometimes, medical records were requested but not provided. If an error has been made, we will be happy to get it straightened out for you.

Using your Global (Outside the U.S.) Medical Network
Medical Care Abroad
Options for direct billing: If you search providers through MyIMG, you can find hospitals that directly bill IMG for claims. These hospitals are designated by having yellow stars next to their names. Please allow time (usually about 2 weeks) for these providers to pre-certify and get a Guarantee of Payment letter from IMG. Please remember: precertification must be completed at least 5 days prior to the procedure.
Hospitalizations need to be pre-certified to receive full benefits. You will be responsible for any portion of your deductible not yet met. IMG can make direct payment arrangements with providers who don’t have a yellow star next to their name, if the provider is willing to supply all the information required by IMG for them to issue a Guarantee of Payment letter.
For smaller amounts, you will pay for your care out of pocket and then submit the claim for either reimbursement, or to go towards satisfying your deductible. Some hospitals will require upfront payment, so you will need to submit a claim for reimbursement afterwards. Keep in mind all hospitalizations must be pre-certified to receive full benefits. Lack of pre-certification, will likely result in a 50% reduction of payment for eligible benefits.
GNI Team Q & A
Question – How does Hospital Indemnity Benefit Abroad work (please check if you have this benefit on your policy)?
Answer – When you are hospitalized outside the US, the patient will receive $400/day up to a maximum of $4,000. This is in addition to the normal paid medical expenses. When there is a hospitalization claim, IMG should automatically pay this benefit to the insured.
Like the Hospital Indemnity Benefit, the State Hospital Payment applies when you are hospitalized in a state or charity hospital outside the U.S. where the medical care is free. To access this benefit of $500/day up to a maximum of $5,000, submit a claim with proof of the number of days of the hospitalization.
GNI Team Tidbits
The Medical Travel benefit on your IMG expat global health insurance plan is another way to receive treatment out of the U.S. This benefit is specifically for major non-emergency medical procedures such as a joint replacement, cardiac procedure, or spinal surgery which normally one might have in the U.S. If the treatment is not available in your country of service, but can be done in another country, and the anticipated savings is at least $10,000 USD less than the U.S. costs, IMG will pay for travel, housing, and more. IMG will even pass on to you 10% of the savings in cash, up to $7500!
The procedure must be able to be scheduled and not require emergency care. To access this benefit. contact 1-317-655-4500 and IMG, through their partner, Akeso Care Management will: (1) Help to locate an accredited and qualified provider outside your country of service and outside the US to provide the medical services. (2) Help to schedule and pay for treatment, housing, and travel. Meal allowance of $100 is included (3) Provide assistance with the transfer of medical records from your country of service to the treatment facility and also follow up services once you have returned.
GNI Team Final Thought
Adoption, Marriage, Foster Children: Dependents needing coverage after the initial enrollment of the primary insured, are eligible to be enrolled after legal guardianship is established. Children are not automatically accepted and will have to go through underwriting. A 12-month waiting period for pre–existing conditions applies. This can be waived with proof of prior coverage. Enrollment in a national health care program is applicable.
Ask Doug
Key Notes
Newborns: When mother is covered for maternity on the Platinum level, the baby will need to added to the policy within 31 days of birth, so that they may be covered from birth. The Social Security Number is not required for enrollment, that can be supplied later.
If maternity is not covered on your policy, you may apply for coverage for your newborn after they are 15 days old. Acceptance is not guaranteed.

Using your U.S. Medical Network
Understanding your U.S. Network
Find medical providers here: https://imglobal.com/find-a-doctor, click on SEARCH UNITEDHEALTHCARE PPO, for US providers.
Receiving care in the U.S.: Your IMG expat global health insurance includes UnitedHealthcare (UHC) network coverage in the U.S. Network providers submit claims through UnitedHealthcare, as shown on your ID card. For office visits, you should only have to pay the office visit co-pay. Once discounts are applied, if you haven’t met your deductible and co-insurance maximum, your provider will bill you for the “patient” portion of the bill. This amount should match the Explanation of Benefits (EOB), you will find in your MyIMG account.
GNI Team Q & A
Question: How do I get the best results in my search for a medical facility?
Answer: To get the best results from your search, please enter as many criteria as possible. The more fields that have entries, the narrower your results will be. If you cannot find a provider in your city or county, please contact, https://imglobal.com/contact, IMG’s Customer Care department.
Question: How do I find my PPO network in the U.S.?
Answer: When seeking treatment in the U.S., you may reduce your out-of-pocket costs by using an independent Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), a separately organized network of hundreds of thousands established, highly qualified medical practitioners and many well-recognized hospitals in the U.S. contracted by IMG. To search for a medical care provider within the independent PPO network, simply click the UnitedHealthcare PPO or First Health PPO buttons below. Please refer to your I.D. card for the appropriate PPO network. You may use the search engine at https://imglobal.com/find-a-doctor. The PPO directory is updated on a routine basis; however, changes may be made between updates. To ensure that the physician you have selected is in the network, please contact the physician’s office to confirm his or her participation.
GNI Team Tidbits
Medical Concierge Benefit (in the US only): When having a major procedure or treatment in the US, that is not an emergency, call IMG at 1-800-628-4664 (or 1-317-655-4500 overseas) and ask for their medical concierge. Let IMG know where in the U.S. you will be, and the procedure needed. IMG will provide information on the facilities in that area best qualified to provide the treatment. They’ll also let you know the estimate cost, quality of care, and customer satisfaction rating. You can then choose which provider you would like to use for your treatment or procedure.
GNI Team Final Thought
EDoc America: As a registered member of MyIMG, you have access to eDoc America, through your MyIMG account. This is a consultation service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will have access to board–certified physicians, licensed psychologists, pharmacists, dentists, eye doctors, and more. You can address your health concerns with them in a confidential manner. They usually respond by e-mail in 2-4 hours, but at least in 24 hours. Click on the “eDoc America” button in your MyIMG account. Here’s a video with more information about eDoc America –https://cms.edocamerica.com/movie.
Ask Doug
Key Notes
U.S. claims often take a long time to finish. If the bill doesn’t match the EOB or you don’t have an EOB, it’s your responsibility to find out what’s missing. Usually, if you tell the provider that the insurance company is still working on it, they will give more time. However, it is important that you pay the final bill, even if you have returned overseas before it comes. Unpaid medical bills may go to collections.
Question – What types of assistance does IMG provide members?
Answer –
- 24-hour online access to MyIMG
- Collect calls to IMG from anywhere in the world
- Toll-free 800 number from USA/Canada
- 24-hour availability for emergency services, medical evacuation and Pre-certification
- On-site, physician-directed emergency medical services and large claim management
- Ability to reimburse claims directly to you or the provider in most major currencies via wire transfer
- Foreign language translation in over many languages, for claims.

Emergency Medical and Security Evacuation
Emergency Evacuation
The Bronze and Silver plans cover Emergency Medical Evacuation up to $50,000 (USD) per period of coverage for transportation and related expenses to the nearest adequate medical facility.
The Gold and Platinum IMG global expat health insurance plans coves Emergency Medical Evacuation up to lifetime maximum limit for transportation and related expenses to the nearest adequate medical facility.
The Platinum plan also includes Political Evacuation and Repatriation up to $10,000 (USD) lifetime maximum.
GNI Team Q & A
Question: What do I do if I think I or a family member needs medical evacuation?
Immediately call IMG directly at 1-317-927-6808, and state that you have an emergency. Be prepared to give them your contact information, and the contact information for your local doctor and/or hospital.
IMG will coordinate with your medical providers and local authorities to determine the best place for you to receive appropriate medical care.
IMG will make the arrangements.
Question: What happens if I need evacuation due to a political or natural disaster emergency?
Call IMG directly at 1-317-927-6808. If there is a declared security emergency, IMG will make best efforts to evacuate you from the situation to a safe haven. They may not always be able to do so.
Question: What other benefits do I have with Assistance Services?
- Medical Repatriation – transportation to your permanent home for ongoing medical care.
- Repatriation of Mortal Remains – IMG will provide transportation to either place of residence or place of burial.
GNI Team Tidbits
Question: I have the Evacuation and Repatriation benefit under my policy, will you fly me out?
Answer: Evacuation cover is provided where emergency in-patient treatment is not available locally. If this is required and is covered under the plan, then yes, cover will be provided. If appropriate treatment is available locally, then this benefit will not be considered. Please note: when considering an evacuation or repatriation, we will be obliged to follow the advice and restrictions from the government or health authorities of the country you will travel from and to, and based on those.
Please keep in mind: Always start with connecting with IMG. IMG will make the arrangements.
GNI Team Final Thought
Question: How do I submit a secure message via MyIMG?
Answer: You can submit your secure message to the customer care team at https://imglobal.com/secure-message-center.

Preventative and Immunization Benefits
Understanding Preventative Care
Adult Preventative Benefits covered on the Gold and Platinum plans. Your preventative/wellness benefits are limited per year, per person.
Child Preventative Benefits covered on the Silver, Gold and Platinum plans. Your preventative/wellness benefits are limited per year, per person.
This includes the office visit, any labs and tests ordered.
GNI Team Q & A
Question: What’s Preventive Care?
Answer: Preventive care services are provided when you don’t have any symptoms and haven’t been diagnosed with a health issue connected with the preventive service. They typically are provided during a wellness exam. You and your doctor will determine what tests and health screenings are right for you based on your: age, gender, personal health history, and current health.
Question: What’s Not Preventive Care?
Answer: When your doctor determines that you have a health issue, the additional screenings and tests after this diagnosis are no longer considered preventive. These services are covered under your plan’s medical benefits, not your preventive care benefits.
GNI Team Tidbits
Children’s Immunizations: If you are getting your children immunized in the U.S., we recommend that you have them done at the free or low-cost clinic in your area. Immunizations at the Pediatrician’s office will quickly use up more than the $1,000 in preventative benefits covered by your IMG expat global health insurance policy.
Colonoscopy: Unless you have symptoms, this is considered preventative. Colonoscopies in the U.S. cost between $3-5,000. Be prepared to pay for most or all of the bill, if having one in the U.S., since your preventative benefits are limited to $1,000/year.
GNI Team Final Thought
To make sure you get the care you need – without any unexpected costs – it’s important for you to know: (1) What is preventive care and (2) Preventive care services your plan covers.

Ask Doug
Key Notes
Question: What is Medical Concierge Service (MCS)?
Answer: MCS is provided by AkesoCareSM, a subsidiary of International Medical Group® (IMG®) that provides worldwide assistance and medical management services. This service is designed to provide you with information when you are in need of a non-emergency medical procedure in the U.S. MCS assists you in making the right decision for treatment by providing information on provider ratings, past outcomes, and general costs – all in the are where you are planning treatment.
MSC should result in a lower out-of-pocket cost to you.
Question: When do I call MCS (Medical Concierge Service)?
Answer: Early notification is key! Call MCS any time you have a nonemergency need to find a provider, or have a test/procedure done while in the U.S. MCS will provide information on:
- Doctors (beyond primary care physicians, e.g., specialists)
- Hospitals for inpatient services
- Lab work and imaging services (including MRIs, PET Scans, CT scans, etc.)
- Any outpatient surgical procedures

Maternity, Adoption & Newborns, and Other Insurance Benefits
Understanding your Added Benefits
Only the IMG Platinum plan includes Maternity benefits with $50,000 lifetime maximum.
Maternity is available after 10 months of continuous coverage if mother and father apply together. If mother applies alone, maternity is available after 24 months of continuous coverage.
Maternity is not covered if the conception isn’t natural or the mother was pregnant prior to starting with IMG and didn’t have prior coverage.
Newborns are covered from birth when the pregnancy is covered.
Adopted and Foster children are eligible to be covered from the date of official adoption or placement. These children do have a 12–month waiting period for pre-existing conditions. However, this can be waived with proof of prior coverage, including national health service.
GNI Team Q & A
Question: Do I have to inform IMG when I am pregnant?
Yes, maternity should be pre-certified as soon as possible. This can be done online at: https://imglobal.com/member/precertification For an overseas birth, when entering the hospital for delivery, a subsequent pre-certification for the hospitalization should be done.
Question: How do I get my Newborn or Adopted Child enrolled?
If you have maternity coverage an enrollment application for your baby should be submitted within 31 days of birth to be covered from birth.
If you do not have maternity coverage, The earliest you can submit the application for the addition of dependant is 14 days after the birth of your child.
Adopted and Foster Children should be enrolled within 31 days of placement or official adoption to be covered from that date.
You may complete the IMG expat global health insurance online application
- When completing the online application, enter in your little one’s information as the primary applicant.
- The rate is going to automatically come up as the Child Alone rate, which is much higher than the dependent rate.
- Be sure to list your certificate number when the application asks for it so underwriting knows to link your policy with your child’s application.
Question: How do counseling services work on my IMG plan?
Answer: Your IMG expat global health insurance pays for counseling services worldwide when there is mental health diagnosis (such as depression or anxiety). Outpatient visits to are covered at 50% subject to the deductible.
Inpatient treatment centers are also covered for up to 30 days per calendar year. They are subject to your deductible and coinsurance amounts discussed in the overview of benefits.
Mental Health is not covered on Bronze level.
GNI Team Tidbits
GNI Team Final Thought