Our Good Neighbor Insurance (GNI) team members have created these videos to share valuable information to help you during your travel medical insurance investment as well as when you are on your travels.
We provide travel medical insurance investments for those going on vacations and holidays, business trips, social good trips, mission trips, specialized trips that include adventure sports, cruises, and many other types of travels.
Good Neighbor Insurance also provides specialized travel medical insurance for athletic sports as well as adventure sports, hazardous activity, home country coverage, war risk areas, personal liability coverage, and other specialized insurance coverage needs for your travels.
All of our different travel medical insurance plans have the essential travel insurance benefit of emergency medical evacuation cover.
- Maternity benefits that are not covered on travel insurance
- Does travel insurance provide personal liability benefits?
- Smooth Sailing Abroad: Mastering the Timeframe for Travel Insurance Claims
- Travel Insurance Explained: Understanding the Evacuation Plus Benefit
- Choosing the Right Travel Insurance: Trip Cancellation Insurance vs. Travel Medical Insurance
Maternity benefits that are not covered on travel insurance
Doug, my wife and I are traveling to Malaysia for 17 days and next year we may go to Malaysia as expatriates. But now, Charlotte and I want to know if travel insurance will cover maternity and pregnancy benefits for this 17-day trip.
Great question, Diego and Charlotte. Let me share what is and what is not covered on travel insurance when it comes to pregnancy benefits.
There are a few key things you will need to know about pregnancy coverage for short-term travel plans:
- Travel policies will not cover pre-natal check-ups, delivery, and / or the baby for someone who is already pregnant.
- Travel policies will only cover complications of pregnancy for the mother when the complications are life-threatening to her or the baby up to the first 26 weeks of gestation.
- Complications of Pregnancy do not include elective abortion, elective cesarean section, false labor, occasional spotting, morning sickness, etc.
Here are our travel insurance options Diego and Charlotte, https://www.gninsurance.com/travel. Please keep an eye out for your travel insurance quotes with the best pregnancy benefits in your inbox that our GNI team will be sending you out today, Diego.
For stronger maternity coverage, Diego and Charlotte, we would suggest our expatriate insurance options here at https://www.gninsurance.com/health. If you both decide to reside over in Malaysia as expatriates next year, then our expatriate medical insurance will be the best way to go, especially when requesting maternity benefits.
We wish you safe travel to Malaysia, Diego and Charlotte!
Change is always in the air! So please check our web page at https://www.gninsurance.com/travel for the most up-to-date information on your travel medical insurance options –
- or call us at 480-813-9100 here in Gilbert, Arizona, USA
- or email us at [email protected]
Your GNI team here in Gilbert, Arizona, wish you all safe and awe-inspiring global travels, Diego and Charlotte!
Does travel insurance provide personal liability benefits?
Doug, I am headed on a two-month trip to Europe and want to know if travel insurance provides personal liability benefits besides medical and emergency medical evacuation.
That is a great question, Mathew, and one we get throughout the year. Travel medical insurance often do not provide added benefits such as personal liability, adventure sports additions, and higher accidental death and dismemberment coverages. However, GNI has found travel insurance plans that also provide added coverages such as personal liability benefits, Mathew.
Here is what is usually covered on travel insurance plans that provide personal liability benefits –
- Accidental bodily injury, including death, illness and disease to a third person; and/or
- Accidental loss of or damage to a third person’s material property (property that is both material and tangible); and/or
- Accidental loss of or damage to a related third person’s material property (property that is both material and tangible).
Mathew, here is what is usually not covered on the personal liability benefits
- Automotive liability
- Any damage or injury caused by skydiving (as skydiving is excluded on this and most travel policies)
- Business related liability
We are so glad you asked this question, Mathew. Thank you for giving us the privilege of finding the right travel insurance benefits that fit your needs for your travels to Europe.
Change is always in the air! So please check our web page at https://www.gninsurance.com/travel for the most up-to-date information on your travel medical insurance options –
- or call us at 480-813-9100 here in Gilbert, Arizona, USA
- or email us at [email protected]
Your GNI team here in Gilbert, Arizona, wish you all safe and awe-inspiring travels in Europe, Mathew!
Smooth Sailing Abroad: Mastering the Timeframe for Travel Insurance Claims
Question – Greetings Doug!
- Dreaming about our upcoming adventures to Southeast Asia early next year, and we feel secure with GNI’s travel insurance backing us up!
- Just wondering, what’s the procedure and timeframe to file a claim if we require medical attention during our unforgettable journey? Thanks a bunch!
Answer – Brilliant question, Tim!
- Yes, please file a claim within 90 days, which is what is on most travel insurance plans, after you see a medical doctor.
- For optimal outcomes, it’s best to submit your claim right away, Tim, and verify all went through via your online travel insurance member portal.
- Tim, if you don’t see your claim submission on the member portal after 15 business days of submitting it, please get in touch with us here at GNI – your international insurance advisor. It is our privilege to look into the status of your claim and provide you with an update.
Change is always in the air! Please check out our travel medical insurance options on our web page at https://www.gninsurance.com/travel for the most up-to-date information on your international insurance –
- or call one of our GNI International Insurance Advisors at 480-813-9100 or we can set up a video call.
- or email us at [email protected]
Sending our warmest wishes to you and your wife, Tim, for a fantastic adventure to Southeast Asia and a safe return home! Your GNI Team here in Gilbert, Arizona.
Travel Insurance Explained: Understanding the Evacuation Plus Benefit
Doug, my wife Jill and I are headed over to Singapore and Indonesia for a vacation next month. We understand that your emergency medical evacuation benefit is on every travel insurance plan you provide. However, we see an additional coverage option for a small fee to add to our travel insurance plan called the evacuation plus rider.
Doug, can you please provide Jill and I more information on this evacuation plus option?
That is a great question, Paul. As you mentioned the emergency medical evacuation benefit is on all of our travel insurance plans. But you are talking about another benefit that you may want to add to your travel insurance policy. This additional option, the evacuation plus benefit, is an added cover you may or may not want to elect.
Although travel insurance provides the vital emergency medical evacuation (which is not what this topic is about) benefit for life-threatening injuries and illnesses, the evacuation plus rider is an additional benefit that can cover a certain amount of money (usually around $25,000 to $30,000 dollar benefit) for medical evacuations due to a sudden, non-life-threatening medical condition that requires hospitalization.
If your travel insurance includes this benefit, your travel insurance company will take care of arranging and covering the cost of ground and air transportation to the nearest hospital that can provide necessary treatment.
It’s important to note that this evacuation plus rider benefit is provided by international insurance companies and requires their handling of everything.
Change is always in the air! Please check out our travel medical insurance options on our web page at https://www.gninsurance.com/travel for the most up-to-date information on your international insurance –
- or call us at 480-813-9100 or we can set up a video call.
- or email us at [email protected]
Your GNI Team here in Gilbert Arizona wish you, Paul and Jill, an amazing and safe travels to Singapore and Indonesia!
Choosing the Right Travel Insurance: Trip Cancellation Insurance vs. Travel Medical Insurance
Doug, my family and I are heading to Indonesia for 7 months on a scouting trip to see if we want to move to one of the more remote islands as expats. We noticed two types of travel insurance plans you’ve offered since Good Neighbor Insurance was founded in 1997. What is the major difference between a trip cancellation travel insurance plan and a travel medical insurance plan, Doug?
That’s a superb question, Don. Here’s a ‘40,000-foot’ overview of the differences between a trip cancellation travel insurance plan and a travel medical insurance plan.
- Before we delve into the major differences, please note that both types of plans provide vital accidental medical and emergency medical evacuation benefits for each policyholder.
- No matter which travel insurance you purchase for you and your family, Don, you will have medical and emergency medical evacuation benefits included in your policy.
Trip cancellation travel plans focus on benefits related to shorter trips, such as those going on a 10-day cruise or for those traveling for under a month.
Another key difference is that trip cancellation focuses on non-medical related travel benefits such as:
- Baggage delay: Reimburses you for the purchase of essential items if your bags are delayed for a certain period, typically over 12-24 hours, helping cover the cost of necessary personal items during your wait.
- Baggage loss/damage: Covers loss, damage, or theft of baggage and personal items during your trip, helping you replace essentials and continue your journey with less stress.
- Missed connection: Provides compensation for additional transportation costs to catch up to your trip if you miss a departure due to circumstances outside of your control.
An important benefit you may add to your trip cancellation plan is the “Cancel For Any Reason” benefit.
- “Cancel for Any Reason” (CFAR) coverage allows you to cancel your trip for reasons such as being called for jury duty, volcanic eruptions near your destination, or illness within your immediate family that prevents travel as advised by a doctor.
- With CFAR, you can usually recover up to 75 percent of your insured trip cost.
- Please visit https://gninsurance.com/travel/trip-cancellation for our trip cancellation plans tailored to fit various budgets and travel needs.
On the other hand, travel medical insurance plans focus more on robust medical coverage, suitable for longer travel durations. Although they can be purchased for short periods, like trip cancellation plans, many travelers opt for these plans for extended stays ranging from 2 months to 12 months or more – https://www.gninsurance.com/travel.
Another key feature of travel medical insurance is the stronger coverage on medical and emergency medical evacuation benefits.
- While trip cancellation plans typically offer $10,000 to $100,000 for medical and emergency medical evacuation benefits, travel insurance plans offer $100,000 to $1 million for medical benefits and $500,000 to $2 million for emergency medical evacuation.
- Travel medical insurance plans are designed to provide comprehensive medical insurance coverage, particularly useful for those traveling to remote areas for extended periods.
For your 7-month trip to Indonesia, Don, the travel medical insurance options at Good Neighbor Insurance, https://www.gninsurance.com/travel, will be the best fit for you and your family.
Could you please email us the ages of your family members and the dates you will be traveling, Don?
We will then provide you with the three best travel insurance plans, featuring top travel intelligence, medical, and emergency medical evacuation benefits for you and your family.
I am so glad you asked this question, Don.
- We are happy to answer any questions regarding your travel medical insurance policy, whether it be about your plan benefits or how to submit claims or any other administrative question you may have.
- Your global insurance team here at GNI are in the office from 8:00am – 4:00pm Arizona time on business days.
- You may call us at 1-480-813-9100 or we can set up a video call meeting.
- We also respond to emails, [email protected], within 24 business hours.
Change is always in the air! Please check out our travel insurance options on our web page at https://www.gninsurance.com/travel for the most up-to-date information on your international insurance –
- or call us at 480-813-9100 or we can set up a video call.
- or email us at [email protected]
Your GNI team here in Gilbert, Arizona, wishes you and your family safe and awe-inspiring global travels to Indonesia and beyond, Don.