Overview of overseas adventure sports insurance coverage.
As many people take vacations abroad, especially in exotic locations, they are increasingly participating in adventure sports such as scuba diving or bungee jumping. There are even those who travel abroad for the sole purpose of taking part in adventure sports and extreme sports such as trekking in the Himalayas, whitewater rafting, rock climbing and paragliding. If an accident happened while taking part in the sporting activity, most travel insurance policies would not pay for claims or provide coverage due to exclusions that are usually written in the policy exempting adventure sports. Even renting motorscooters in Greece or Europe can exempt a travel insurance claim. This is when having Good Neighbor Insurance staff help and a great international travel insurance plan including your sport is such a tremendous benefit, especially if there is a medical evacuation involved. And best yet, there is usually no additional cost besides the adventure sports rider required based on your sport or activity. NOTE: Some plans have a small “rate up” in addition to the sports rider. If you have questions, email us at [email protected] for help.
Good Neighbor Insurance provides many types of international travel insurance including adventure sports and extreme sports insurance coverage! The video above talks a bit about our adventure sports and extreme sports insurance plans.
Do you like to scuba dive in the crystal waters of Bali, Indonesia, like our Vice President (of Good Neighbor Insurance), Doug Gulleson? One can definitely take some great underwater photos such as those in the video above (taken by Doug himself). He always takes the very best equipment, including $500,000 of medical coverage with the proper international travel insurance coverage for sport diving and his travels to and from.
If you are injured in a sporting activity overseas, having the right sports coverage rider on your international travel insurance plan can save you big bucks, or even save your life. For one thing, the travel insurance will pay your eligible overseas hospital bills after deductible (if any), and if you are unable to make it home on a commercial plane, your insurance plan will cover the high price of a special medical evacuation home.
If you may be doing any of the following activities, or even anything remotely close to these, please let us know and we will provide you with our best solution for your protection: bobsledding, bungee jumping, exploring caves / spelunking, high diving, sky diving, hot air ballooning, jet skiing, kayaking, mountain biking, paragliding, para-sailing, rappelling / abseiling, rock climbing, snowboarding, skiing, surfing, trekking, whitewater rafting, running with the bulls, any semi-professional or professional sports, and any organized sports such as football, American football, rugby, and hockey. In fact, we advise you to make a list of any activities you plan to enjoy that might possibly be adventurous, and then let us know so we can help you be sure that you have dependable and adequate coverage.
There are very few adventure sports that insurance will not cover. These are in the extreme sports category but present a much higher risk than most other sports, like base jumping, motocross and other motorized racing.
So go out and have fun! Just make sure your right international sports travel insurance keeps it that way. For more information, call, Skype us at “good neighbor insurance,” or email Good Neighbor Insurance on business days from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Mountain Time (UTC / GMT -7), for help finding just the right coverage for adventure sports at the right price.