GeoBlue health insurance plans and services for individual expatriates and short-term international leisure and business travelers are available in most states. These products carry the strength of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Brand and are distributed in cooperation with local Blue companies in certain areas. We will continue to keep your clients safe and healthy as they travel the world. All GeoBlue plans feature a full range of personal solutions for your clients, including concierge-level services and convenient online and mobile self-service tools.
Who is the insurer for GeoBlue?
GeoBlue plans are underwritten by 4 Ever Life Insurance Company, which has the same rating for financial strength as BCS Life Insurance Company. 4 Ever Life Insurance Company is rated A- (Excellent) by A.M. Best.
Who is the Plan Administrator?
There are no administration changes. We continue to be the plan administrator. Our wholly owned Third Party Administrator is Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC: which operates GeoBlue brands.
Has the Provider Network Changed?
Outside the U.S., the provider network remains the same; inside the U.S., members will have access to the BlueCard network, the largest in the United States, with 90% of hospitals and 80% of physicians participating.
More about GeoBlue?
GeoBlue is a trade name of Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC (Worldwide Services Insurance Agency, LLC in California and New York), an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Since 1997, Worldwide Insurance Services has been dedicated to helping travelers and expatriates identify, access and pay for quality healthcare, all around the world. Sold in connection with certain Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies, each GeoBlue policy is U.S. licensed and offers the most complete set of benefits and services in the industry.
Why is GeoBlue Different?
GeoBlue members enjoy:
- 24/7 Phone, Web and Mobile Support
- Prompt Access to Trusted Doctors and Hospitals
- Cashless Appointment Scheduling
- Paperless Claims Resolution
- Destination Health Intelligence
GeoBlue is the trade name of Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Made available in cooperation with Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies in select service areas.
GeoBlue Navigator & Xplorer FAQ and Answers for current policyholders
Question: I currently have the GeoBlue Navigator policy and it is due to renew on 12-1-2013. I have two questions. First, when is the last day for me to send in the renewal form to you? Second, am I active for the month of December if I have not yet turned in my renewal form to the insurance company?
Answer: Great questions! Here are our answers:
Answer 1a: You have up to 30 days to renew your current active GeoBlue Navigator policy. This works just like renewing your car insurance or paying for your U.S. health cover here in the U.S. You have up to the end of the month to pay/send in the renewal and pay.
Answer 1b: Please keep in mind that it takes about one week for the policy renewal to be completed, once in our office or the insurance company’s office. Also please keep in mind that if you have not heard from either us or the insurance in under 48 business hours from the time you sent your renewal (via email or fax) then we have not received it. We always respond with a “thank you” email that we have received your renewal form and will be processing it pronto.
Answer 2a: No, your policy is not active if you have not sent in your renewal form in and has been processed prior to 12-1-2013. The insurance company as well as Good Neighbor Insurance emails you your renewal policy between 45-60 days prior to your renewal date.
Answer 2b: This works just like insurance in the U.S, such as car insurance or even health insurance. In fact, for U.S. health insurance cover, on the 11th of the month if the payment is not in the health insurance office the “on” light for active health coverage is turned “off.” Thus, if a medical office on the 11th of the month calls into the insurance company to verify coverage the insurance company will say they are not covered. The policyholder has up to the end of that month to pay or the policy will be cancelled. However, technically, the policy is not active unless that monthly premium has been paid.
Answer 2c: Sending in the renewal form allows the insurance company to debit for the stated amount for that month. Thus, no payment on December 1st onwards means your policy is not active.
Question: am not sure why we have to renew in order to keep our international career policy with GeoBlue active. Can you explain the reasoning behind This?
Answer: This is a great question and one we get quite often. Yes, the renewal form with GeoBlue is related to U.S. federal law and not insurance law. The U.S. government wants to verify that you are still on an international career insurance policy. In order to have applied/been accepted with the GeoBlue career plan you have stated that at least the first year on the policy you are an expat or will be/have been residing outside the U.S. for 3 months or longer. Each year at renewal you will need to verify that you will be residing outside the U.S. at least 3 months per year.
Question: Where can I find the GeoBlue app?
Answer: The latest version of the GeoBlue App includes the Health Atlas, a popular feature of the Destination Dashboard. The Health Atlas helps those insured through GeoBlue international health insurance manage their medical conditions and assess health and safety risks in hundreds of destinations. Members are using it to find vital information related to available healthcare services and environmental risks. Available from iOS app store, Android play store, and Amazon.
GeoBlue Navigator & Xplorer FAQ Prior To Applying
Question: May a U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S. be covered on these plans?
Answer: Yes, you may apply for these overseas career insurance plans as long as you will be spending three months or longer of the first year outside the U.S. The second policy year and thereafter you may stay/reside in the U.S., 9 months per year but plan on residing outside the U.S. at least 3 months per year. This is not an ACA compliant policy.
Question: I am a U.S. citizen who will be moving to St. Croix, part of the U.S. Virgin Islands, for one year and eight months. Will I be able to get on these Geo Blue career insurance plans since St. Croix is a U.S. Territory?
Answer: Sadly, you will be unable to apply for these two GeoBlue expatriate plans since St. Croix is not classified, by GeoBlue, as outside the U.S.
GeoBlue Navigator & Xplorer Claims Process FAQ and Answers
Question: How does the claims process outside the U.S. (1-2-3) work?
Answer: GeoBlue contracts with world class providers in over 180 countries. By visiting a contracted doctor or facility, GeoBlue is able to arrange direct billing* and help member’s to avoid having to pay up front for services.
3 easy options to arrange medical services and enjoy GeoBlue Direct Billing:
- Visit our Member Services area and log in
- Call 1 + 610-254-8769 for assistance
* Please note: direct billing may not be available in every situation.
You are free to use providers outside of the GeoBlue Community. When you do so, please pay for outpatient services and submit a claim to GeoBlue Worldwide. Upon request, GeoBlue will make our best effort to guarantee payment directly to a non-contracted facility.
Question: How does the claims process inside the U.S. (Broad, Deep PPO Access) work?
Answer: Benefit from access to one of the largest U.S. networks available. The Aetna Passport PPO offers more than 700,000 doctors and 4,400 hospitals for you to choose from.
- Simply show your ID card at time of service
- Pay the required co-pay or deductible
Question: What is the process for physician appointments?
Answer: GeoBlue has contracted with highly-qualified physicians in over 180 countries to provide care to GeoBlue members. These physicians bill GeoBlue directly for covered services when the services are pre-authorized and guaranteed by GeoBlue in conjunction with GeoBlue’s appointment scheduling service. Please note, direct billing may not be available in all situations.
If GeoBlue members seek treatment from an GeoBlue-contracted physician without notifying GeoBlue in advance, the physician will expect payment in full at the time of service. Members who elect to pay the physician at the time of service should request an itemized invoice and receipt from the physician and must submit these documents with a claim form (see below) to GeoBlue for reimbursement of covered charges. GeoBlue members are free to seek care from any physician. If the physician is not contracted with GeoBlue, the member should pay the physician at the time of service and submit a claim to GeoBlue.
Question: What is the process for planned hospital admissions?
Answer: GeoBlue can assist members with access to over 900 leading international medical centers called GeoBlue Partner Facilities, which have agreed to bill GeoBlue directly for pre-authorized inpatient services. These facilities are identified in the CityHealth Profile with an GeoBlue logo. Please note, direct billing may not be available in all situations.
To arrange for an GeoBlue Partner Facility to bill GeoBlue directly, members must contact GeoBlue by calling +1 610 254 8772 The request should be made at least 2 business days prior to scheduled treatment. If GeoBlue members seek treatment at an GeoBlue Partner Facility without notifying GeoBlue in advance, the Facility may expect payment in full at the time of service.
Question: How do you submit a claim to GeoBlue Worldwide?
Answer: Following the steps below will help us processing your claim as quickly as possible. Submitting an incomplete form will result in delays in the payment of your claim.
- Complete Part A of the claim form in full each time you are seen for a new sickness or injury. Answer all questions, even if the answer is “none” or “N/A.”
- Submit the original detailed provider bill, which should include the following:
- Patient’s Name
- Insured’s Name
- Charges Incurred
- Diagnosis
- Date of Service
- When services are rendered at a clinic, hospital or other medical facility, you will need to ask the provider to complete Part B of the claim form indicating the date seen and the diagnosis. Please include the full name and address of the provider. Part B is found on the reverse side of the claim form.
- If another health insurance plan is the primary payer, please indicate the insurance company name, address and phone number along with your policy number.
- Be certain that the name on the bill you are submitting is the same as that which is indicated on your ID card. If not, please enclose a short note of explanation.
- Benefits payable under this plan will be coordinated with any automobile coverage. Benefits under our plan will also be coordinated with benefits provided or required by any no-fault automobile coverage statute, whether or not a no-fault policy is in effect. This plan will be applied on a secondary basis to any state mandated automobile coverage for services and supplies eligible for consideration under this plan.
- All claims must be filed with our office within the twelve (12) month period from the date of the incurred expense. Please submit all claims forms with attached receipts to the following address:
GeoBlue Worldwide
C/O Claims Department
One Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087 USA
Email: [email protected]
(Fax) 610.293.3529 Attn: Claims Department
GeoBlue Navigator & Xplorer FAQ And Answers
Question: Will a pre-existing condition be covered?
Answer: If you were previously covered by a group or individual U.S. health plan that issues you a Certificate of Creditable Coverage, HTH Worldwide will apply this prior coverage to the pre-existing conditions waiting period, provided you meet HTH’s medical underwriting criteria. HTH will also consider private health insurance issued in other countries as creditable coverage. HTH does not consider surplus lines insurance sold in the U.S. as creditable coverage.
If you were previously covered by a group or individual U.S. health plan that issues you a Certificate of Creditable Coverage, HTH Worldwide will apply this prior coverage to the pre-existing conditions waiting period, provided you meet HTH’s medical underwriting criteria. HTH will also consider private health insurance issued in other countries as creditable coverage. HTH does not consider surplus lines insurance sold in the U.S. as creditable coverage.
Question: Will my pre-existing condition be covered under a GeoBlue Navigator plan?
Answer: If you do not have the letter of credible coverage (CCC), you will have to wait 12 months before pre-existing medical condition is covered. A Preexisting Condition is defined any disease, illness, sickness, malady or condition which was diagnosed or treated by a legally qualified physician prior to the effective date of coverage with consultation, advice or treatment by a legally qualified physician occurring within 6 months prior to the Coverage Date for the insured.
If you were previously covered by a group or individual U.S. health plan that issues you a Certificate of Creditable Coverage, HTH Worldwide will apply this prior coverage to the pre-existing conditions waiting period, provided you meet HTH’s medical underwriting criteria. HTH will also consider private health insurance issued in other countries as creditable coverage. HTH does not consider surplus lines insurance sold in the U.S. as creditable coverage.
The number of months of coverage shown on the Certificate will reduce or eliminate the 12 month pre-existing condition waiting period. If you have 12 or more months of creditable coverage, your waiting period will be eliminated. If you have less than 12 months creditable coverage, your waiting period will be reduced by the number of months you had creditable coverage. For example, if you have two months of creditable coverage, your waiting period will be reduced from 12 months to 10 months.
Question: Will my pre-existing condition be covered under a GeoBlue Xplorer plan?
Answer: Once approved and activated, if you were previously covered by a group or annually renewable individual U.S. health plan that issues you a Certificate of Creditable Coverage, HTH Worldwide will apply this prior coverage to the pre-existing conditions waiting period, provided you meet HTH’s medical underwriting criteria. HTH will also consider private health insurance issued in other countries as creditable coverage. HTH does not consider surplus lines insurance sold in the U.S. as creditable coverage.
The number of months of coverage shown on the Certificate will reduce or eliminate the six month pre-existing condition waiting period. If you have six or more months of creditable coverage, your waiting period will be eliminated. If you have less than six months creditable coverage, your waiting period will be reduced by the number of months you had creditable coverage. For example, if you have two months of creditable coverage, your waiting period will be reduced from six months to four months.
If they do not have credible coverage there will be a 6 month waiting period to cover pre-existing conditions. Asthma may or may not have a rate up. It would depend the status.
Question: What if I have asthma? Will I be accepted?
It depends on the severity of your medical condition. If you are accepted then asthma may or may not have a rate up. The rate up can go as high as 40% of your monthly premium.
Question: Will my orthopedic doctor’s visit be covered?
Answer1: The condition would be covered up to the policy maximum. The only exclusion I could find concerning this was: 18. Orthopedic shoes (except when joined to braces) or shoe inserts, including orthotics.
Answer 2: However, we highly recommend verifying with HTH GeoBlue by calling or emailing them. If you do not get an answer in under 5 business days please contact your GNI Team at [email protected].
Question: I cannot find an in-network medical facility/doctor in my zip code. Will I be charged using out-of-network cost?
Answer 1: In the U.S., if a member does not have a participating physician in an appropriate specialty available to them within 25 miles, HTH GeoBlue will apply in-network benefits (80%) to the provider they see.
Answer 2: Outside the U.S., 100% coverage always applies after any applicable deductible or co-payment.
Question: Are the Global Citizen / Global Navigator individual and family international career insurance plans (now called GeoBlue Xplorer / GeoBlue Navigator at exempt from the new PPACA / ACA (affordable care act)?
Answer: Our Global Citizen / Navigator and GeoBlue Xplorer / Navigator plans,, are exempted under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as limited duration policies geared for international living. Despite the exemption, certain benefit levels have been written to ACA levels. For example, the plans have an unlimited medical maximum and dependents are eligible up to age 26.
Question: I don’t have maternity coverage, am I covered if I have a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy?
Answer: Complications of Pregnancy are covered under our GeoBlue Xplorer and GeoBlue Navigator plans, as any other medical condition. Benefits for complications of pregnancy shall be provided for all covered Insured Persons.
Complications of Pregnancy are conditions, requiring hospital confinement (when the pregnancy is not terminated), whose diagnoses are distinct from the pregnancy, but are adversely affected by the pregnancy, including, but not limited to acute nephritis, nephrosis, cardiac decompression, missed abortion, pre-eclampsia, intrauterine fetal growth retardation, and similar medical and surgical conditions of comparable severity. Complications of Pregnancy also include termination of ectopic pregnancy, and spontaneous termination of pregnancy, occurring during a period of gestation in which a viable birth is not possible. Complications of Pregnancy do not include elective abortion, elective cesarean section, false labor, occasional spotting, morning sickness, physician prescribed rest during the period of pregnancy, hyperemesis gravidarium, and similar conditions associated with the management of a difficult pregnancy not constituting a distinct complication of pregnancy.
The best international career medical options to take care of your pregnancy
Good Neighbor Insurance brokerage firm provides many long term international health insurance plans that fit each of our guests’ needs. Many of our guests ask us for advice regarding the best plans for international maternity insurance benefits. Other guests request the best options if considering overseas adoption. We also have other guests who are not requesting maternity coverage at all, but want the best international career health insurance for their child(ren). Below are some FAQ points with information about adoption and international maternity insurance.
Good Neighbor Insurance will continue to add to this FAQ / Answers page so do bookmark this page for future readings. If we have not answered your questions here please email us at [email protected] and one of our trained agents will be glad to get answers to your international maternity insurance questions for you.
Click here to get to maternity benefit comparison chart
Q: What if I am already pregnant?
- If you are already pregnant, you will not able to get international medical coverage for maternity.
- If you are pregnant and covered by insurance in your home country, not planning to deliver while traveling, we have travel plans that cover emergencies related to pregnancy.
Q: What are the best plans, can you compare them for me?
- The short answer is that the GeoBlue plans are the best, especially if you expect to deliver in the U.S.
- The other maternity plans are good. The better the coverage the higher the premiums that you will pay.
- Here is the link to our comparison chart
Q: We are considering not getting Maternity coverage. Will I still be able to get insurance for my child?
A: Here are the answers with international medical insurance plans that may fit your request:
- Navigator and Xplorer: If enrolled within 31 days of birth, babies are automatically accepted regardless of maternity coverage or not.
- PA Group Signature and Premier Health plans: If a covered pregnancy then the baby is automatically accepted if they are added within 90 days from birth. If the pregnancy is not covered, the baby goes through underwriting. When not a covered birth, full medical application must be completed for evaluation by underwriting. Babies conceived as a result of fertility treatment must also go through underwriting.
- GMMI Platinum: (Maternity is included) The baby is automatically accepted if they are enrolled within 31 days from birth. All other GMI/GMMI plans will require an application which will undergo full medical underwriting.
- Meridian Essential and Enhanced: Medical application must be completed for all dependents to be added. If application is not received within 30 days of birth, child will have a separate policy from the family.
Q. We are considering adopting children eventually. Will my child be accepted on my insurance plan?
A: Here are the answers with international medical insurance plans that may fit your request:
- GeoBlue Navigator and Xplorer: If added to your coverage within 31 days of adoption, all children are automatically accepted.
- Signature Care, Select, Elite or Premier Health: An application for a new child must be completed and they will go through underwriting. A child could be declined or medical conditions could be excluded.
- GMMI Plans: An application for new child must be completed and they will go through underwriting. A child could be declined or medical conditions could be excluded.
- Meridian Essential and Enhanced: An application for new child must be completed and they will go through underwriting. A child could be declined or medical conditions could be excluded.
If you think you may adopt a special needs child, we recommend one of the GeoBlue plans. You GeoBlue plan must be in place before the adoption process begins or your application will be declined.